Self Help

Worth Dying For The Power and Politics of Flags (Tim Marshall) - Zamzar

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Matheus Puppe

· 39 min read



Here is a summary of the contents:

The book discusses the history and symbolism of flags from around the world. It’s divided into 9 chapters:

  1. The Stars and Stripes - About the American flag

  2. The Union and the Jack - About the British flags

  3. The Cross and the Crusades - How flags spread during the Crusades

  4. Colours of Arabia - Flags in the Arab world

  5. Flags of Fear - Flags used by extremist/terrorist groups

  6. East of Eden - Flags in Asia

  7. Flags of Freedom - National flags of liberation movements

  8. Flags of Revolution - Flags during significant revolutions

  9. The Good, the Bad and the Ugly - Analysis of positive/negative flag symbolism

It also includes an introduction discussing the meaning and power of flags, and how they represent cultural identity. The conclusion notes how flags are still potent symbols both for countries and non-state groups. There is a bibliography and acknowledgements at the end.

The passage discusses the power of symbols and iconography through a comparison of the Nazi swastika, which still evokes strong reactions today, and the emergence of Islamic State (IS) and its use of religious symbols to grab attention and sometimes support.

It then provides context on the book’s scope, explaining it tells the stories of some major and obscure national flags to illustrate how symbols can unite or divide. Meanings can evolve over time and differ based on perspective.

The chapters examine flags from different regions of the world through a historical lens. In the Americas, the US flag represents ideals of unity while Latin American flags reflect 19th century nation-building. European flags show deep identities despite attempted unification. Middle Eastern flags feature strong Islamic imagery as young nations remain weak. Asian flags blend ancient roots with modern influences. Africa discarded colonial symbols for its own. Powerful groups like IS appropriate religious symbolism too.

Flags are emotionally charged emblems that people may die for, representing both high politics and popular passion with hidden histories shaping present realities. In times of change, people often grasp familiar symbols for grounding as new geopolitical forces emerge.

  • The Pledge of Allegiance was formulated in 1892 at the Flag Conference in 1923. It was incorporated into school ceremonies in 28 states by that time. Congress passed it into law in 1942 and in 1943 it became unconstitutional to require reciting it, though it remains a common voluntary practice.

  • The American flag symbolizes ideals of freedom and independence for many citizens. It evokes strong positive and negative emotions. Guidelines outline respectful handling and display of the flag.

  • The design of the modern American flag has evolved over 183 years through several iterations. The 1777 design included 13 red and white stripes and 13 white stars in a blue canton for the original 13 colonies. Subsequent acts in 1794 and 1818 adjusted the design as new states joined the union. The current 50-star flag design was established in 1912.

  • The national anthem originated from Francis Scott Key witnessing the bombardment of Fort McHenry by British ships in the War of 1812. Seeing the American flag still flying at dawn inspired him to write a poem that was published and became widely known as “The Star-Spangled Banner.”

The American flag has its origins in flags flown during the Revolutionary War and subsequent wars in the early 1800s. During the Civil War, the northern Union states fought under the Stars and Stripes flag, which became known as “Old Glory” after a sea captain defended flying it. The southern Confederate states had their own flag featuring a red field with a blue diagonal cross and white stars.

After the Civil War, the Confederate flag became associated with groups defending segregation and white supremacy, like the Ku Klux Klan. However, it also grew as a cultural symbol of southern heritage. By the 1950s its use was widespread but also controversial due to its political associations. In 2015, the Confederate flag was removed from the South Carolina state capitol grounds after a massacre at a black church by a gunman displaying the flag.

The American flag is treated with great respect and reverence by many, as symbolized through complex laws and protocols for its display and treatment. These remain an expression of patriotism and commemoration of national struggles and sacrifices.

The US Flag Code provides guidance for respectful treatment and disposal of American flags when they are no longer fit for service. It recommends burning unserviceable flags in a dignified ceremony that includes prayers or remarks honoring the flag’s service. Some Americans hold elaborate flag retirement ceremonies that include cutting the flag into pieces before burning it over a symbolic fire.

Burning the American flag is a common protest against US policies in other countries. While deeply offensive to many Americans, the Supreme Court has ruled that flag burning is a form of protected free speech under the First Amendment. This is still a controversial issue, as some believe burning the flag should be a criminal offense. Laws regarding desecration of national flags vary worldwide.

The flag is an important American symbol, and burning it to show disrespect deeply angers many citizens. However, the right to free expression is equally important to protect under the Constitution, even if that expression involves burning the flag. It remains a complex issue with reasonable arguments on both sides.

  • The Union Jack flag symbolizes different things to different people depending on their political views and nationality. To some it represents British heritage and power, while to others it represents oppression.

  • The English have traditionally seen Britishness and England as interchangeable, but other nationalities like Scots and Welsh do not. This stems from England dominating the Union politically and numerically.

  • When the Union flag was created in 1606 to represent the Union of the Crowns of England, Scotland and Ireland, it combined the flags of England and Scotland but left out Wales. Some saw this as England’s flag dominating.

  • The 1707 Acts of Union intended an equal partnership between England/Wales and Scotland, but England/Wales’s greater size and power meant it was never truly equal. This divide has increased over time as England’s population dominates the UK.

  • The Union flag evokes different emotions depending on one’s nationality and perspective on British identity versus distinct English, Scottish, Welsh and Northern Irish identities. Brexit has further highlighted these divisions within the UK.

  • Arthurian legends claim King Arthur’s father was named Uther Pendragon. These stories also reference a prophecy by Merlin about a battle between a red and white dragon symbolizing the struggle between Wales and England.

  • Saint George became England’s patron saint in the 12th century, though the origins are unclear. It’s thought English Crusaders may have used versions of his red cross on white banner. The cross became widely used by English sailors by the late 13th century.

  • Saint Andrew became Scotland’s patron saint in the 9th century after a legendary battle. His cross, a white X shape, was added to Scottish seals by 1286.

  • When the kingdoms united in 1603 under James I, the flags of Saint George and Saint Andrew symbolized centuries of conflict between England and Scotland. The union flag incorporated elements of both.

  • Over subsequent centuries, the flag design was formalized but tension remained between English and Scottish identities. Saint Patrick’s saltire was added in 1801 upon uniting with Ireland.

  • Today, the flag is commonly called both the Union Jack and Union Flag interchangeably, though some debate the technical usage based on historical definitions. Most experts now agree both terms can be used.

The British flag, known as the Union Jack, evokes mixed feelings around the world due to the UK’s history as a colonial power and global empire. While it still symbolizes British heritage and identity, it is also associated with the oppression and exploitation of Britain’s former colonies.

In many former colonies like India, the flag stirs up ambivalent feelings due to the legacy of British rule. Attitudes range from resentment over colonialism to a degree of affection and nostalgia for the British administration. In places like the Palestinian territories and some other countries, the flag has more negative colonial connotations.

Today, the Union Jack appears widely in commercial contexts but also still flies officially in places with historical British ties like the UK overseas territories, Canada, Australia and New Zealand. Some of these countries have debated changing their flags to remove the Union Jack symbol. Within the UK, the flag is more an emblem of national identity and pride rather than imperialism, though it still represents the country’s global influence and history.

  • The flag of Zimbabwe was lowered and allowed to touch the ground on Remembrance Sunday, symbolizing respect. In the UK, flags are traditionally draped on the ground on this day.

  • There are government regulations regarding flag flying in the UK. Certain flags like country flags and local area flags can be flown without permission. Others require following size, location, and duration restrictions. People can design their own flags but are limited in how and where they can fly them.

  • The British military has its own detailed rules about flag flying, like only naval ships being allowed to fly the Union Jack.

  • A flag is an important symbol of national identity for most British people. The Union Jack represents Britain for 99% of people asked.

  • Polls show the Union Jack is seen more favorably and as more inclusive in England than national flags in Scotland and Wales. It strongly associates with the monarchy and military across the UK.

  • In Northern Ireland, political and religious divisions are still symbolized by the colors of pavement curbs and flags flown. The Union Jack and Irish tricolor both carry deep significance for Protestants and Catholics. Restrictions on where these flags can be flown remain sensitive issues.

  • The flag of the European Union is considered both a flag and not a flag - officially it is an “emblem” to represent adherence to common European values, rather than replacing national flags.

  • The design originated as the flag of the Council of Europe in 1955, representing its then 15 member states. It featured 12 gold stars in a blue circle to symbolically represent unity and membership.

  • The number of stars was settled on 12 as a compromise after rejecting other numbers that had political or unlucky connotations. Symbolic meanings were attributed after the fact.

  • Over time, the flag came to represent not just the Council of Europe but also the wider European integration project. However, some nationalist or conspiracy groups claim it has a secret Catholic or illuminati meaning.

  • In reality, the rather dull organizations behind the flag were unlikely aiming for anything as ambitious or nefarious as some theories suggest. The flag emerged from pragmatic decisions rather than secret schemes.

  • While it remains controversial in some circles, for many Europeans the flag symbolizes peace, prosperity and unity across the continent following a history marked by war and division.

  • The Council of Europe and the EU both use the 12-star flag, as the Council didn’t want to design a new flag when the EU formed in 1985.

  • However, the Council is not aimed at political or economic union like the EU. Russia is a member of the Council but has no interest in joining the EU.

  • Defining “Europe” geographically is complicated - some see Turkey as European but its land is mostly in Asia. Iceland is sometimes included in definitions of Europe.

  • National identities in Europe have remained strong despite the growth of the EU. People are reluctant to give up autonomy to a centralized Brussels-based body.

  • Flags are an important symbol of national identity and history. The relatively new idea of a pan-European identity competes with long-held national attachments.

  • The assumption that liberal democracy would inevitably spread everywhere, predicted by some in the 1990s, has proven inaccurate as alternative models have persisted in places. National diversity within Europe looks set to continue.

  • The French tricolor flag of blue, white and red has its origins in the late 18th century during the French Revolution, when it was adopted as the official cockade representing the joint national colors. It was later formally adopted as the flag of France in different forms over subsequent regimes.

  • The German black, red, and gold flag was first brought together in 1919 when it was adopted by the Weimar Republic. Its colors had long been associated with German regions, and represented aspirations for both unity and democracy.

  • Under Nazi rule, the sole national flag of Germany became the swastika banner. Hitler rejected the Weimar flag and adopted the swastika as a symbol he believed represented ancient Aryan heritage. It was made the sole flag by law in 1935.

  • The swastika symbol itself has origins thousands of years ago and was used in parts of Asia as a religious symbol long before the Nazi appropriation of it in the early 20th century.

  • The Nazi flag design originated from party members submitting various designs incorporating the swastika. Hitler claimed credit for the final adopted design - a swastika in a white circle on a red background.

  • Hitler saw symbolic meaning in the colors - red for social mission, white for national mission, and the swastika representing the struggle for Aryan supremacy.

  • After WWII, displaying the Nazi flag was banned in Germany. Both East and West Germany initially used the pre-Nazi black, red, and gold flag.

  • Gradually the stigma around nationalism lessened in a democratic Germany. By the 2006 World Cup hosted in Germany, the flag was embraced proudly without negative connotations.

  • The Italian flag origins date back to the late 18th century with French-influenced republics in northern Italy adopting the green, white, and red colors. It became established during the 19th century Risorgimento nationalist movement.

  • The Scandinavian flags share a common Scandinavian cross design, making them instantly recognizable as a group unlike other regional flag clusters like tricolors.

  • The flags of Norway, Denmark, Sweden, Finland, and Iceland all feature Scandinavian crosses of the same shape in different colors on their flags. The cross is positioned towards the hoist on all flags and the right arm is elongated.

  • This Christian symbol has survived for a long time despite this being one of the least religious parts of Western Europe today.

  • The symbol originated from the Danish flag (Dannebrog), which features a white cross on a red field and has its origins in a 13th century legend.

  • The Danish flag later inspired the designs of the flags of Norway, Sweden, Finland, and Iceland by borrowing the cross symbol in different color combinations.

  • The widespread use and commercialization of the Danish flag contrasts with other Nordic countries like Sweden, where nationalist groups have appropriated the flag, making its use more sensitive.

  • Various historical contexts and periods of domination by neighboring kingdoms influenced the designs and adoption of flags by the different Nordic states over time.

  • The persistence of the shared cross symbol on all the Nordic flags is an aberration from other parts of Europe and represents the close cultural ties between the Scandinavian countries.

  • The flags of Greece, Malta, and Slovakia feature crosses, though of different shapes than the Nordic crosses.

  • Other European flags also have Christian references, like Portugal whose flag colors represent medieval Catholic orders and whose coat of arms commemorates a victory over Moorish kings “in the name of the five stigmata of Christ.”

  • Austria’s red-white-red stripes are said to originate from a crusader whose armor became blood-stained, later adopted as the region’s colors.

  • Christianity is depicted on about 1/6 of the world’s flags, with nearly 2/3 of those being European. Some argue these symbols could be used by far-right groups to define Europe against Islam.

  • The Dutch flag’s original orange color represented Protestantism but changed to the current red-white-blue over time. Russia’s flag is also thought to derive from the Dutch design.

  • The Soviet hammer and sickle symbolized worker solidarity but also represented a system that killed millions, though some still see it as representing ideals even if not achieved in practice.

  • The flag of the Soviet Union from 1923-1991 featured a hammer and sickle and was commonly associated with Communism around the world. Some former Soviet countries ban the symbol due to its association with cruelty and totalitarianism.

  • Slavic countries influenced by Russia commonly feature red, white and blue in their flags, representing pan-Slavic unity against past empires. Yugoslavia’s flag incorporated these colors as it united Serbs, Croats and Slovenes. Its breakup in the 1990s required new flags for the successor states.

  • Macedonia’s flag has an eight-rayed yellow sun on red, adopted in 1995 after Greece objected to a previous 16-rayed design associated with Alexander the Great, whose heritage is disputed. Tensions remain over Macedonia’s name and identity.

  • Kosovo and Bosnia emerged with flags following wars in the 1990s as Yugoslavia dissolved. Kosovo’s flag depicts its borders and ethnic groups while Bosnia’s was designed by the UN to be neutral and represent its ethnic divisions.

  • Questions of nationalism, borders and identity often underlie the design and symbolism of flags in these regions formerly part of larger empires or Yugoslavia. Diplomacy has resolved some issues but tensions remain in places like Macedonia and Bosnia.

  • The EU is deeply divided on the question of further European integration and the shape the EU should take in the future. Some countries favor “More Europe” with closer political and economic union, while others want to slow or reverse integration.

  • The refugee crisis exacerbated tensions, as countries took different approaches to border controls and accepting refugees. This challenged the unity of the EU.

  • There are now diverse views of the EU among citizens. Where the EU flag once symbolized unity, some now see it as a symbol of economic oppression or a threat to national identity.

  • Governments like France and Germany still see the EU as a guarantor of unity between them. But uncertainties remain about the future direction and cohesion of the EU project over the coming decade.

  • In the early 20th century, Abdul-Aziz bin Saud conquered the region of Hejaz from Hussein bin Ali and took control of the holy cities of Mecca and Medina.

  • In 1932, Abdul-Aziz united the kingdoms of Hejaz and Nejd to form the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. He adopted a new national flag featuring the Islamic declaration of faith (shahada) in white on a plain green background, with a sword symbolizing the House of Saud.

  • The Saudis avoided using flags similar to that of their rivals, the Hashemites. The design of the basic Saudi flag has remained largely unchanged since the 1930s.

  • The Saudi flag is never lowered to half-mast due to religious sensitivities around altering the shahada text. Its use in commercial/promotional contexts can also cause offence.

  • While Wahhabi ideology influenced groups like Al-Qaeda, the Saudi regime remains stable due to its alliance with Wahhabi clerics who support the ruling family politically in exchange for control over religious affairs.

  • Few new Muslim-majority states in the 20th century adopted the Saudi flag model, instead using variations of the Ottoman crescent and star or Arab Revolt flags due to different political and religious influences.

  • The passage discusses how religious symbols like the Turkish crescent and flag have entered geopolitical discussions and battles over past centuries. Some Europeans associate the crescent with ancient conflicts against the Ottoman Empire.

  • It analyzes how the Turkish flag took on increased prominence during and after the failed 2016 coup attempt in Turkey as a symbol of nationalism and defiance against military rule. Large crowds waved the flag in support of Erdogan.

  • Flags of neighboring Muslim-majority countries like Algeria and Tunisia also incorporate Islamic symbols like the crescent due to Ottoman influences, though they maintain distinct North African identities as well.

  • The Iranian flag features Arabic script and a stylized tulip symbol designed after the 1979 Islamic revolution to signify both religious principles and Persian nationalist culture. The tulip evokes meanings of martyrdom in Persian history and literature.

  • In summary, the passage examines how Islamic religious symbols from the Ottoman era have persisted and evolved in the flags and identities of countries in the Middle East and North Africa, taking on new political meanings over time.

The article discusses the symbolism and histories behind several Middle Eastern flags, with a focus on religious imagery. It notes most countries avoid religious flags to prevent division, as seen in Lebanon’s cedar symbol. Egypt, Iraq, and some others adopted Pan-Arab symbols linked to early 20th century revolts. Over time, countries adjusted flags based on political changes - for example, Egypt adding/removing symbols at different periods.

Iraq’s flag evolved from Hashemite symbols to Ba’ath Party designs to Saddam Hussein adding religious text. This politicization of religion divides Iraqis today. Israel’s flag origins are unclear but feature the Star of David, a modern Jewish symbol. About a third of UN countries use religious iconography, mostly Christian or Islamic symbols reflecting their histories and populations. Libya was unusual for decades with a plain green flag under Gaddafi before changing after his fall. Overall, the piece examines how flags can communicate identity and history but also be subject to political manipulation over time in some cases.

The passage provides background information on the origins and meaning of Libya’s flag. The original flag was that of the Kingdom of Libya after gaining independence from Italy in 1951. It represented the three main regions of Libya - Tripolitania, Cyrenaica, and Fezzan. The colors - red, black, and green - came to symbolize the unity of these three regions under one nation.

However, Libya struggled with political instability and division after Gaddafi’s rule ended in 2011. The original tricolor flag again came to represent the divisions between the three regions. There is little possibility of Libya succeeding as a unified state in the short-to-medium term. The future may involve a looser federal system or the emergence of new nation states, each with their own flag. So the original flag once more depicts the ongoing divisions within Libya.

  • IS justifies its black flag based on traditions about the Prophet Muhammad’s flag being black and square, with a white circle representing the Prophet’s seal. It quotes hadiths about black banners coming from the east.

  • IS believes its control of the Syrian town of Dabiq is key, as a prophecy says the final battle between Islam and Rome will happen there. IS named its magazine after the town.

  • The group believes it is fulfilling end-times prophecies by flying black flags in Dabiq and conducting gruesome killings. This message appeals to some younger Muslims.

  • IS fighters see evidence that prophecies are coming true amidst the turmoil of Syria. Capturing territory like Dabiq is seen as validating their beliefs and cause.

  • While the flag symbolizes extremism to most, to IS followers it represents courage in serving God no matter the cost. They believe eventual victory is assured through prophecy.

  • Other jihadi groups like Al-Nusra also used black flags, but IS has dominated publicity through highly publicized executions and propaganda. This has elevated the status and recognition of its flag.

  • Non-state groups in the Middle East have developed their own symbols rather than borrowing the Arab Flag of Revolt, as they do not believe in the nation state.

  • Key examples are Hezbollah in Lebanon, Hamas and the al-Qassam Brigades in Gaza, and Fatah and the al-Aqsa Martyrs’ Brigades in the West Bank.

  • Hezbollah emerged in response to Israel’s 1982 invasion of Lebanon. It is backed by Iran and advocates destroying Israel and establishing a Shia caliphate. Its flag features the party’s name and emblem against a yellow background.

  • Hamas was founded in 1987 and governs Gaza. Its military wing is called the al-Qassam Brigades. Hamas uses an Islamic green flag with the Shahada, while the Brigades have a flag featuring Jerusalem’s Dome of the Rock and weapons.

  • Both groups aim to liberate all of historic Palestine from the river to the sea, but face challenges in maintaining support given regional conflicts and Israel-Palestine developments. Their symbols represent resistance and Islamist goals and identity.

  • The passage discusses several flags used by Palestinian political groups - Hamas, Fatah, Al-Aqsa Martyrs’ Brigades, and Qassam Brigades.

  • The Hamas flag features the Dome of the Rock and slogans expressing Islamic beliefs. It aims to achieve Palestinian victory through armed resistance and rejects a two-state solution.

  • Fatah is officially secular but religiously influenced. Its flag shows forearms holding rifles over a map including Israel/Palestine without borders. It uses ambiguity regarding violence.

  • The Al-Aqsa Brigades flag incorrectly shows the Dome of the Rock mosque when it’s actually depicting the separate Dome of the Rock shrine. Both aim to distinguish themselves from Fatah if its support declines.

  • Symbolic messages in these flags are nuanced but important for understanding positions on negotiations, the use of violence, and views on Palestine vs. Israel. Maintaining militant stances also helps groups maintain constituencies.

  • The passage discusses the significance of symbols and flags in understanding cultures and political stances in the Palestinian and broader Middle Eastern context.

Here is a summary of the key points about post-Communist China from the passage:

  • The passage does not directly discuss post-Communist China, as it is focused on describing the geography, cultures, religions and flags of Central Asian countries moving eastward from the Middle East.

  • It touches briefly on how the flags of Central Asian countries reflect their identities in response to imperialism and Communism. However, it does not provide any details specifically about post-Communist China.

  • The passage transitions from discussing the flags of Central Asian countries to their political climates after the fall of the Soviet Union in 1991. But it does not extend its analysis to political developments in China after Communism.

  • In summary, the passage does not substantively discuss post-Communist China. It is focused on Central Asia and does not mention or analyze political, economic or social changes in China after the end of Communist rule.

  • The passage discusses the flags of several countries in Central and South Asia with Islam as a prominent symbol: Afghanistan, Pakistan, India.

  • It describes the symbolism and history behind the design elements of each flag, like Afghanistan’s colors representing the past, blood spilled, and future hope. Pakistan’s flag originated as the Muslim League flag.

  • India’s tricolor flag and the significance of the colors (saffron, white and green) and wheel in the center are explained. Gandhi played a key role in the design and symbolism.

  • It notes ongoing issues like the Taliban and ISIS raising rival flags in parts of Afghanistan, and growing religious fundamentalism challenging minorities in Pakistan.

  • The passage also briefly mentions the complex bureaucratic rules and debates that have surrounded flying the Indian flag over private buildings.

So in summary, it outlines the designs and meanings behind several regional flags while providing historical context and noting some current political dynamics related to their use and symbolism.

  • In 2002, the Indian flag laws were amended to allow private citizens to fly the Indian flag any day of the year without fear of prosecution. Many Indians take pride in flying their flag.

  • The Indian flag symbolizes the religious, ethnic, and political complexity of India. It seems to unite most Indians and represents the country as an increasingly important global player, especially in its economic and military competition with China.

  • Nepal has a unique rectangular flag consisting of two red triangular sections, one atop the other, with deep blue borders. The symbols represent Hinduism, Buddhism, and the hope that Nepal will endure as long as the celestial bodies depicted on the flag.

  • The flag details precise instructions for manufacturing its complex symbols, like drawing circles based on lines intersecting at specific points.

  • China was one of the earliest cultures to use cloth flags for identification and communication. The modern Chinese flag was designed in 1949, combining Communist symbols with traditional Chinese philosophy and representation of the country’s diversity. It came to represent the People’s Republic of China.

  • The flag uses colors and symbols to represent concepts like communism, China’s leadership under the Communist Party, the unity of different social classes, and balance/completeness according to Chinese philosophy of numbers. Regional flags are now prohibited in China to maintain national unity.

  • The Chinese Communist Party is tightening control over symbols of Tibetan culture and identity in an effort to gradually erase Tibetan culture and make China’s rule permanent. However, in less volatile regions, the party balances asserting control with recognizing some regional differences.

  • China has strict laws governing the design and usage of its national flag. Improperly displaying the flag could result in fines or imprisonment. The flag has become a global symbol of China’s expanding influence as it builds economic and military power worldwide.

  • Taiwan uses the flag of the Republic of China rather than the People’s Republic of China, reflecting the political division lingering from China’s civil war. Both flags symbolize the lack of unity between China and Taiwan.

  • South and North Korea also have different flags, reflecting their division following World War 2 and the Korean War. South Korea retained the traditional Korean flag design, while North Korea replaced it with a Soviet-style flag soon after being formed, rejecting the traditional symbolism as superstitious. Both Korean flags symbolize the continued separation of the two Koreas.

  • The passage discusses the national flags of North Korea and South Korea, as well as their complex and antagonistic relationship.

  • It describes an incident at the 2012 London Olympics where the North Korean women’s soccer team walked off the field after their players were incorrectly introduced with the South Korean flag instead of the North Korean one. They only returned after a video edit and apology.

  • Both countries have banned displaying the other’s flag at times. This caused issues at sporting events held in each country.

  • The passage then discusses the Japanese national flag and its complex history and symbolism. As the flag of imperial Japan during its military expansion and World War 2 atrocities, it remains a sensitive symbol for countries it occupied.

  • However, Japan argues it predates this period and is thus their legitimate national flag, like other countries with colonial histories. The military flag choice in 1954 was more problematic given the recent war period.

  • Reconciliation over the flag has been a long process for Japan with neighboring countries it wronged during the war still having strong negative associations with the rising sun emblem.

  • The population of Japan remained traumatized by the actions of its armed forces during the 1930s and 1940s, making the decision about adopting an official national flag a sensitive issue.

  • While Japan’s ‘intellectual demilitarization’ after WWII was not as deep as Germany’s, it did have lasting effects like teachers instructing students not to sing the national anthem or bow to the flag in the 1970s.

  • The death of Emperor Hirohito in 1989 opened debate on officially recognizing the flag, passed in 1999, though still controversial. This led the Ministry of Education to require schools to fly the flag and sing the anthem at graduations.

  • One head teacher, Ishikawa, opposed this so strongly that he committed suicide, highlighting how emotional the issue remained. Even during the 2008 World Cup there were few Japanese flags displayed by fans.

  • Though controversial initially, the flag has gradually emerged from its wartime associations over time. As late as 2016, the Prime Minister still felt the need to recommend universities fly the flag on campuses.

So in summary, the decision to officially adopt the national flag after WWII was sensitive given Japan’s past military actions, and its recognition remained a emotional issue for some time, though it has become more widely accepted over the decades since.

  • Marcus Garvey was inspired by Ethiopian independence and mistakenly thought the Ethiopian flag was red, black and green instead of red, yellow and green.

  • Garvey described the meaning of the colors as representing solidarity with oppressed groups. The colors then took on pan-African meanings.

  • Garvey’s influence spread nationalist ideologies and pride in Africa. The Rastafarian movement saw him as a prophet and Haile Selassie as fulfilling his prophecy.

  • Early African leaders like Nkrumah were influenced by Garvey’s writings advocating pan-Africanism.

  • Many post-colonial African countries and Caribbean nations incorporated the colors of Ethiopia or Garvey’s proposed flag into their national flags to symbolize African liberation and unity.

  • The symbolism and combination of colors carried different meanings for different countries but acknowledged their pan-African roots and rejection of colonial rule.

  • Mozambique’s flag uniquely features an AK-47 to symbolize defending freedom, reflecting the militia that fought for independence.

So in summary, Marcus Garvey promoted pan-Africanism and African independence through nationalist symbolism, influencing both African countries and the Rastafarian movement through the colors he proposed for an African flag.

  • Many African national flags were designed based on pan-African colors of red, gold, black and green to reject colonial-era flags. However, some reflect specific historical events in that country.

  • Uganda and Zambia’s flags feature national animals representing the people. Liberia’s flag resembles the US flag due to its founding by freed American slaves.

  • Rwanda changed its flag in 2001 after the 1994 genocide, adopting new colors and symbols to represent reconciliation and a fresh start. Burundi’s flag also aims to represent unity between ethnic groups but politics have struggled with this.

  • Sectarian conflicts stem partly from arbitrary borders drawn by colonial powers combining different ethnicities. While some flags promoted pan-African unity, they did not address internal divisions. Seychelles’ flag celebrates multi-ethnicity.

  • Nigeria’s flag, designed by student Michael Akinkunmi, features green-white-green bands representing agriculture, peace and was chosen from over 2,000 submissions. Akinkunmi went unrecognized for decades until a student campaigned for his contribution to be acknowledged.

The passage discusses the color green in national flags and whether it needs to be represented more prominently on flags. It quotes a debate arguing that countries should rethink the colors and designs of their flags after independence from colonial rule.

It then provides a long example about the design process for the post-apartheid South African flag. Graphic designer Fred Brownell was tasked with coming up with a new flag design that could unite the divided country. He came up with a design incorporating the main colors of various political groups to represent convergence and unity. It details how Nelson Mandela approved the design after receiving a faxed color sketch.

The new South African flag was rolled out quickly to meet the election deadline, requiring factories to produce vast numbers of flags. While initially met with a muted reaction, the flag design grew in popularity as a symbol of the new South Africa. However, achieving true unity has proven difficult given ongoing national divisions.

The passage concludes by noting flags play an important role in cementing national identities, though older ethnic identities within nations can remain strong. It uses the example of African nations still defining new post-colonial identities amid complex political and social dynamics.

  • The flags of South America draw less inspiration from ancient indigenous cultures than the flags of Africa, possibly due to Europeans dominating South America for longer and almost wiping out the indigenous populations.

  • When South American countries sought independence in the early 19th century, their revolutionaries embraced symbols of liberty from the French Revolution like the tricolour flag, as many of their populations had European heritage by that point.

  • Simon Bolivar led independence movements across South America in the 1810s-1820s, establishing the Republic of Colombia which encompassed modern Colombia, Venezuela, Ecuador, Panama and more. Its flag designed in 1806 featured yellow, blue and red horizontal stripes.

  • The Republic of Colombia dissolved in the 1830s, but its former territories of Colombia, Venezuela and Ecuador kept similar flags drawing from Bolivar’s design, cementing a shared regional history. Regional differences ultimately pulled the countries apart over time though.

  • Bolivia’s flag also draws from Bolivar and features the ideals of the independence movements, though its naval flag is notable given the landlocked country. Chile’s coastal ownership remains a point of contention for Bolivia.

  • The Bolivian navy flag features a large yellow star symbolizing Bolivia’s claim to sovereign access to the sea, not just the access it currently has through Chile. However, regaining coastal territories is unlikely in the near future.

  • The Wiphala flag represents indigenous peoples across the Andes region. It has become a secondary national symbol in Bolivia, though some oppose it as they fear it could replace the main flag or encourage ethnic divisions.

  • In Mexico, the national flag features green, white, and red stripes derived from the independence movement against Spain. The coat of arms in the center depicts an Aztec eagle holding a snake, drawing on indigenous Aztec symbols to represent Mexico separating from Spanish rule.

  • The colors and symbols in flags of countries in Central America like Guatemala, Honduras, El Salvador also derive from their independence movements against colonial Spain in the early 19th century. A short-lived Federal Republic of Central America used horizontal blue and white stripes as its flag.

  • The flags of Central American countries like Nicaragua, El Salvador, Honduras, Guatemala and Costa Rica draw inspiration from the former Federal Republic of Central America that united them from 1823-1840. Their flags hint at the possibility of future reunion.

  • When the Federation dissolved in the 1840s, each country needed its own flag. The designs tended to be similar horizontal stripes representing the land and oceans, with coats of arms featuring symbols like mountains or flags.

  • Despite instability and poverty, the countries maintained some regional cooperation over the decades through trade zones and other associations.

  • Panama’s flag differs as it has red, white and blue squares and stars, representing its political parties and oceans on both sides. It was designed when Panama gained independence from Colombia in 1903 with US support.

  • Panama has the world’s largest shipping fleet registered under its flag due to its very lax registration laws and taxes. Over 8,000 ships fly the Panamanian flag.

  • In the 1950s-60s tensions rose as Panama sought greater control over the Panama Canal zone, which was previously US territory. There were riots and clashes over flying the Panamanian flag in the zone. This highlighted the countries’ long history and complex relationship.

  • In 1964, there were tensions between Panama and the US over control of the Panama Canal Zone. Panama wanted greater sovereignty over the zone.

  • In September 1964, Panama was only allowed to raise a single flag alongside the US flag at a ceremony. The Panamanian president boycotted the event in protest.

  • In January 1964, a protest by Panamanian students over raising the US flag led to riots. Over 20 people were killed and millions in damage was caused over three days of violence.

  • The conflict led to negotiations over several years to redefine sovereignty over the canal zone. In 1979, the canal zone was abolished. In 1999, control of the canal was fully transferred to Panama, ending US control established by the 1903 treaty.

  • The January 1964 protests, known as Martyrs’ Day in Panama, marked an important step toward Panamanian control over the canal and its territory.

Here is a summary of the key points from the passage:

  • The Jolly Roger flag is most commonly associated with pirates. It features a skull and crossbones design.

  • The origins of this design date back to the 12th century Knights Templar, who used a similar flag depicting a “Skull of Sidon” according to legend. This may have inspired later pirates.

  • In the early 1700s, pirates began widely adopting the skull and crossbones design on a black flag, called the Jolly Roger. Additional threatening symbols like hourglasses and skeletons were sometimes added.

  • The Jolly Roger served as a type of “pirates’ code”, conveying messages through flag symbols. A black flag signaled lives would be spared if the ship surrendered without resistance. A red flag warned no quarter would be given if the ship resisted or fled.

  • The threatening yet instantly recognizable design of the Jolly Roger was an effective form of pirate branding and public relations, intimidating targets while clearly signaling the pirates’ intent and rules of engagement. Over time it became romanticized in popular culture despite the real threat and violence pirates posed.

  • Pirate flags, especially those bearing skulls and crossbones, were deliberately threatening and scary to intimidate enemies into surrendering without a fight. This tactic was as effective for modern pirates as it was for those centuries ago.

  • The iconic Jolly Roger flag became famous, though its exact origins are unclear - it may reference the devil “Old Roger”, the French term “Jolie rouge”, or as a symbol of wandering pirates.

  • Surrendering ships often flew a white flag to avoid violent confrontation with pirates. The white flag is an ancient global symbol of truce/surrender with legally protected status.

  • Allegations of misusing flags of truce, like the white flag, still arise and damage trust in such symbols of humanity in war. International rules try to prevent abuse and hold accountable those who kill under false flags.

  • Other internationally recognized protective flags include the Red Cross, Red Crescent, and Red Crystal symbols used by medical services, with strict rules around their use and legal protection.

  • NATO’s flag features a simple white compass design on a blue field to represent its peaceful purpose in countering threats while uniting member states.

  • NATO’s original flag featured 14 stars representing the founding members, stripes for the Atlantic Ocean. It was criticized for needing alteration each time a new member joined.

  • In 1952, the approved design features a circle representing unity of the 14 members. The blue backdrop represents the Atlantic, the compass star represents guidance on the path of peace.

  • Even with only 14 members, flag positioning disputes arose at NATO headquarters. Countries objected to their name translations or alphabetical order placement. This foreshadowed ongoing, sometimes petty arguments over flags.

  • The Olympic flag features 5 interlocking rings representing the 5 inhabited continents. Its white background symbolizes peace. Though meant to unite nations, countries still fiercely compete via medal counts and promote national pride at the Games. Flags remain a prominent symbol of both unity and division at international events.

The passage discusses the history and symbolism of flags in the context of sports. It talks about how flags are used ceremonially at the Olympics to represent different nations. It also discusses controversies over some countries, like the US, refusing to dip their flags during opening ceremonies.

The passage then analyzes the origins of the checkered flag used to signify the finish line in auto racing. Contrary to popular folklore, research by historian Fred Egloff traced the first documented uses of the checkered flag back to specific auto races in the US in the early 1900s, where “checkers” displaying such flags were used to time segments of long-distance road rally events.

While its original purpose was to signal drivers to slow down for timing checkpoints, the checkered flag is now a globally recognized symbol of speed, victory and excitement in motor sports. In summary, the passage aims to separate myth from fact in exploring the histories and evolving meanings behind some iconic sporting flags.

The passage discusses flags and banners as phenomena both ancient and modern. It describes how flags have been used throughout history by various civilizations and groups, from Chinese silk banners thousands of years ago to sports teams, companies, nations, and charities today.

It then focuses on two global flags in particular - the rainbow flag representing LGBT communities, and the blue flag of the United Nations. It traces the origins and meanings of the rainbow flag, designed in 1978 by Gilbert Baker to symbolize diversity and visibility. The flag came to widespread prominence following tragic events like the Pulse nightclub shooting in 2016.

The UN flag is briefly discussed, noting it was based on an emblem created in 1945 and intended to represent the five major powers that established the UN at the time. Some see it as outdated and not truly representative of the global community.

The passage concludes by mentioning a proposed “International Flag of the Planet Earth” but notes it has not received official recognition. In general, it examines flags as potent symbols that take on layered meanings as they spread across cultures and histories.

  • The permanent members of the UN Security Council who have veto power are the US, UK, France, China and Russia. Other countries like Brazil, Mexico, Indonesia and India argue they should also have permanent seats to better reflect the 21st century global landscape.

  • The UN flag design features concentric circles that some conspiracy theorists claim resemble crosshairs or have occult meanings related to illuminati symbols. However, most see it as just representing global unity.

  • At weekends only the UN flag flies outside UN headquarters. On weekdays each member state flag is raised and lowered each day in alphabetical order according to the English alphabet.

  • The size, ratio and ordering of flags has sometimes caused issues but overall the display aims to show both diversity and unity among member states.

  • The UN flag is meant to represent all people but some criticize it for not having a clear identity or oppositional element like national flags. However, it remains the only global symbol of unity we have.

  • The lineup of all member state flags running along the UN building affirms both global diversity and the idea that despite differences, humanity can come together as one family under the UN organization.

Here is a summary of the flags-related documents provided:

  • Constitution of the People’s Republic of China (1982): Outlines the national flag of China which features a large red star against a red background.

  • Chinese National Flag: Five-starred Red Flag: Provides background on the symbolism and history of the red flag with five yellow stars which has been China’s national flag since 1949.

  • Kim Tu Bong and the Flag of Great Extremes: Discusses the polarized political symbols represented by the flags of North and South Korea.

  • The Art of War by Sun Tzu: A classic Chinese military strategy text that does not focus specifically on flags but discusses symbolic uses of banners and standards in psychological warfare.

  • I remember the day… I designed the Nigerian flag: First-hand account by the designer of the Nigerian flag which features three equal width vertical stripes of green, white, and green with a Nigerian coat of arms in the center.

  • Marcus Garvey and Universal Negro Improvement Association Papers: Primary source materials on Marcus Garvey’s pan-African organization which advocated for an independent Africa and adopted a red, black, and green tricolor flag.

  • Official website of the UNIA-ACL: Provides background on the current organization continuing the work and legacy of Marcus Garvey’s pan-African nationalist movement.

  • Notes on Negro American Influences on the Emergence of African Nationalism: Academic article discussing the role of African-American political thinkers and pan-African ideologies in the development of nationalism in Africa.

  • Taiwo Akinkunmi: An Hero Without Honour: Obituary for a Nigerian rebel leader from the western region who advocated changing the Nigerian flag design.

In summary, the documents provide historical accounts and primary sources related to national, pan-African, and revolutionary flags from China, Nigeria, Korea, Africa and references to flags in classical military texts. They give useful context on the design, symbolism and role of flags.

Here is a summary of the key points from the provided text:

  • Mount Everest reaches a height of 23,000 feet above sea level.

  • The Falkland Islands were the site of the Falklands War between Britain and Argentina in 1982 over sovereignty claims.

  • Mo Farah is a British long distance runner who won gold medals in the 5,000 and 10,000 meter races at the 2012 and 2016 Olympics.

  • Fatah is the largest Palestinian political party and has been involved in the Palestinian conflict and negotiations with Israel since the 1960s.

  • The Fatimid Caliphate ruled over varying areas of North Africa and the Eastern Mediterranean between the 10th-12th centuries AD.

  • King Ferdinand VII of Spain played a key role in the Spanish colonial wars of independence in the early 19th century in Latin America.

  • The Ferghana Valley is a fertile valley located in modern Uzbekistan, Tajikistan and Kyrgyzstan in Central Asia.

  • The Fezzan region is located in southwestern Libya near the border with Algeria and Niger.

  • Fiji is an island country located in the South Pacific consisting of over 300 islands.

Here is a summary of pages 191-194 from the book:

The section summarizes information about the flags of Bolivia, the Netherlands, Germany, Iran, Iraq, Ireland, Italy, and Mexico.

It discusses the tricolors used by Bolivia, the Netherlands, Ethiopia, Iran, Iraq, and Venezuela. It notes the colors used in each flag and any symbols that may be included.

For Germany, it explains the origins of the black-red-gold tricolor and its use today.

For Ireland, it provides a brief description of the Irish tricolor flag.

It outlines the history of the Italian tricolor flag that was adopted after Italian unification in the 19th century.

Finally, it summarizes the design and colors of the Mexican flag known as the “Bandera de México,” noting its green-white-red pattern and historical symbols.

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About Matheus Puppe