Self Help

Your Body is Your Gym Use Your Bodyweight - Peter Paulson

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Matheus Puppe

· 13 min read


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Peter Paulson

Copyright: Published in the United States by Peter Paulson / © Peter Paulson

All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in retrieval system, copied in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording or otherwise transmitted without written permission from the publisher.



Why Bodyweight Training?

Workout Anywhere & Anytime

Get the Abs You Always Wanted

Stop the Injury Cycle

Build Lean, Hard Muscle While Burning Fat

Save Money

Building The Body You Want

Steps to Ensure Your Success

Your Guide to Nutrition

Excerpt from The 6 Pack Chef

Example Recipes

Bacon Avocado Omelette

Scallop & Vegetable Kabobs

Shrimp Stir Fry

Garlic Baked Tilapia

Program Overview

Week by Week Program Overview

The Movements


The 8 Week Routines Program


Intermediate & Advanced

• It seems like having minor injuries or pains is common and fashionable these days. These little twinges often come from trying to lift too much weight, poor form, or underdeveloped stabilizing muscles.

• Bodyweight training can help prevent these injuries. It focuses on using your own body weight strategically instead of overly heavy weights. It also strengthens your stabilizing muscles and promotes good form.

• Bodyweight training builds muscle and burns fat. It increases your metabolism and testosterone, which helps reduce body fat. You don’t need a gym membership or supplements to get in great shape. You just need to stress your muscles and then rebuild them with good nutrition.

• Bodyweight training saves money since you don’t need a gym membership or expensive equipment. You can do it anywhere.

• Having clear goals and visualizing the body you want is key to success. Take steps like writing down your specific goals, finding photos of your goal body, taking before photos of yourself, and understanding why you want to achieve your goals. These steps will keep you motivated.

• Nutrition is just as important as exercise for changing your body. Follow these rules:

› Eat enough food to fuel your body. Don’t starve yourself.

› Focus on whole foods like nuts, meat, eggs rather than processed foods. Aim for 80% whole foods and 20% other foods.

› Include a protein source with every meal. Protein builds muscle and boosts your metabolism.

› Maintain a slight calorie deficit to lose fat. But don’t cut too many calories, especially from protein and fat.

› Drink plenty of water to stay hydrated.

› Get enough fat, especially healthy fats like nuts, olive oil, and avocados. Fat doesn’t make you fat. It’s essential for hormone production and absorption of fat-soluble vitamins.

› Limit starchy carb intake, especially refined carbs. Focus on veggies, fruits, and legumes.

› Have a cheat meal once a week to prevent cravings and keep your metabolism up. But don’t overdo it.

› Supplements like protein powder, creatine and pre-workout formulas are optional. Focus on whole foods first.

› Track what you eat to stay on target. But don’t become obsessive about it.

When in a calorie deficit (expending more calories than you consume), protein will:

  • Keep you feeling full for longer as protein aids satiety and prevents hunger.

  • Prevent muscle breakdown from reduced calorie intake.

Eating more fibre from greens and high-fibre carbs like legumes have benefits for fat loss and health:

  • Helps control weight and promotes weight loss.

  • Promotes heart health and increases satiety.

  • Aim for greens and fibre with every meal.

Don’t avoid fat - it helps you lose fat. Your body needs fat to function and dietary fat helps you reach your goals faster. Get fat from sources like olive oil, avocado, and meat. Limiting fat too much puts your body in “survival mode” and it holds onto fat.

Resistance training:

  • Burns fat through increased metabolism.

  • Increases testosterone which helps burn fat.

  • Builds muscle, strengthens the core, and increases abdominal muscle size.

Train fasted when possible:

  • Testosterone is highest in the morning.

  • Primes your body to burn fat all day.

  • Food after training goes straight to muscles, not fat.

Benefits of fasted training:

  • Increases human growth hormone.

  • Body targets fat for energy since no food is available.

  • No insulin spike.

It may feel unusual at first but energy and performance improve over time. Have coffee before training for energy. Eat as soon as possible after.

Refuel every 7-10 days:

  • Reset leptin levels.

  • Boosts metabolism.

  • Replenishes glycogen stores.

  • Prevents losing your mind from cutting calories.

Don’t confuse with a “cheat day.” Eat the same healthy foods but more of them. Be careful with treats. Plan your refuel days and the extra protein, carbs and fat they’ll provide.

[3 example recipes provided: Bacon Avocado Omelette, Scallop & Vegetable Kabobs, Shrimp Stir Fry]

Program overview:

The 8-week bodyweight program focuses on progressive overload, reduced rest, lactic acid training and time under tension using multi-muscle metabolic routines. After 8 weeks, continue the program, design your own routine or adopt a new one.

Progressive overload continuously increases demands on your body to stimulate muscle growth. If demands don’t increase, muscle growth stalls. To increase muscle size and definition, progressively overload muscles. Most bodyweight programs can’t properly progressively overload but this one does without weights using strategies like reduced rest and TUT.

Lactic acid training and TUT force muscles to adapt through metabolic stress and muscle breakdown. Highly metabolic multi-muscle routines maximize this.

Time Under Tension (TUT) Training:

• Puts muscles under stress for an extended period of time. • Slowly and steadily lifts and lowers weights. • Releases growth hormone and depletes glycogen stores. • Increases fat loss through increased metabolism. • Allows for progressive overload without increasing weight.

Lactic Acid Training:

• Promotes the buildup of lactic acid in muscles. • Causes ‘burning’ sensation during exercise. • Releases growth hormone and causes fat cells to release fuel. • Creates an environment for muscle gain and fat loss. • Isn’t easy but is beneficial for results.

The program:

• 8 week program with 4 workouts per week. • Alternates between beginner and intermediate/advanced levels. • Weeks 1-2: Prepares the body for the program. • Weeks 3-4: Introduces TUT training with reduced rest and increased tension. • Weeks 5-6: Introduces lactic acid training. Ramps up fat loss. • Week 7: Returns to TUT training at Week 4 intensity. • Week 8: Returns to lactic acid training at Week 6 intensity.

Core exercises:

• Plank: Works abs. Hold position. • Side Plank: Works obliques. Hold position. • Crunches: Works abs. Raise back off floor and lower back down. • Arms Extended Crunch: Works abs. Raise back off floor until lower back touches then lower back down.
• Leg Raises: Works abs. Raise legs up and lower down without heels touching the ground. • Toe Touchers: Works abs. Keep legs still and reach up to touch toes. Lower back down.

Here is a summary of the exercise instructions:

Touch your toes:

  1. Stand with feet shoulder-width apart.
  2. Bend at your hips and knees and reach down toward your toes. You can place your palms on your shins or the floor if needed.
  3. Hold for a second, then stand back up.

Side Jack-knife:

  1. Lie on your left side with legs straight and stacked.
  2. Bend your left elbow and place left hand on the floor under your head for support.
  3. Raise your right leg while twisting to bring your right elbow toward your right knee.
  4. Return to the starting position. Repeat, then switch sides.

Ab hold:

  1. Lie face up with arms at sides and legs straight.
  2. Exhale fully and tighten your abs, pulling your belly button toward your spine.
  3. Hold for 1-2 seconds while not breathing. Release and repeat.

Back exercises:

  • Under table row: Lie face up under a table with feet against the table legs. Grip the edge of the table and pull your chest up while keeping your lower back straight. Slowly lower back down.
  • Back extension: Lie face down with hands under your shoulders. Lift your upper body while keeping your lower body in place. Squeeze your lower back at the top and lower back down.
  • Superman: Lie face down with arms overhead and legs straight. Raise your arms and legs while keeping your lower back straight. Hold, then lower back down.

Bicep exercises:

  • Bicep towel curls: Hold the ends of a towel with arms extended. Place one foot in the middle of the towel. Keeping your upper arms stationary, curl the weight while pushing against the towel with your foot. Release and repeat.
  • Chest exercises: See summary for push-ups.

Forearm exercise:

  • Towel twist: Hold a rolled up towel with arms extended. Twist your wrists in opposite directions. Hold, release and repeat.

Leg exercises: See summaries for bodyweight squats, reverse lunges, glute bridges, calf raises, jump squats, jumping lunges and pistol squats.

Shoulder exercise:

  • Pike push-up: Start in a downward dog yoga pose with hands under shoulders and butt in the air. Keeping your back straight, lower your head toward the floor by bending only at the hips. Push back to the starting position.

Here’s a summary of the routine:

Week 1:

Session 1: 3 circuits, each repeated 3 times. Exercises include air squats, pike push-ups, plank, glute bridge, shoulder rotations, tricep wall press.

Session 2: 3 circuits, each repeated 3 times. Exercises include reverse lunges, leg raises, under table row, towel bicep curl, back extension, towel twist, superman.

Session 3: 3 circuits, each repeated 3 times. Exercises include air squats, push-ups, plank, tricep wall press, towel bicep curl.

Session 4: 2 circuits, each repeated 1-2 times. Cardio exercises include high knees, mountain climbers, leg raises, crunches, plank, skipping.

Week 2:

Session 1: 3 circuits, each repeated 3-4 times. Exercises include air squats, pike push-ups, plank, glute bridge, lunges, push-ups, calf raises, shoulder rotations.

Session 2: 3 circuits, each repeated 3 times. Exercises include reverse lunges, leg raises, under table row, towel bicep curl, single leg glute, plank, back extension.

Session 3: 3 circuits, each repeated 3 times. Exercises include air squats, push-ups, plank, tricep wall press, towel bicep curl, reverse lunges, pike push-ups.

Session 4: 2 circuits, each repeated 3 times. Cardio exercises include high knees, mountain climbers, leg raises, crunches, plank, skipping, burpees.

Week 3:

Session 1: 3 circuits, each repeated 3 times. Exercises include air squats, pike push-ups, reverse lunges, single leg glute, plank, jumping lunges, hindu push-ups, calf raises, shoulder rotations, side plank.

Session 2: 3 circuits, each repeated 3 times. Exercises include under table row, reverse lunges, leg raises, towel bicep curl, single leg glute, side plank, push-ups.

The routine progresses in difficulty over the 3 weeks, incorporating timed exercises, plyometrics, and more advanced variations. Rest periods also decrease over the weeks.

Here is a summary of the workout:

Back Extension 5 reps

Towel Twists 10-12 reps

Shoulder Rotations 45 secs

Pike Push-ups 10 reps

Towel Bicep Curls 10-12 reps

Air Squats 5-8 reps

Push-ups TUT 3x3

Plank 30 secs

Jump Squats 5 reps

Tricep Wall Press TUT 3x3

Reverse Lunges 5 reps

7-10 reps

Pike Push-ups
TUT 3x3

Diamond Push-ups 3-5 reps

Leg Raises 8-10 reps

Incline Push-ups
5-8 reps

5 reps

Glute Bridge & Hold 10 reps

Mountain Climbers 20 reps

Leg Raises 10 reps

Mountain Climbers 15 reps

Crunches 8 reps

Mountain Climbers 10 reps

Side Jack Knife 5 reps

The summary outlines the exercises, reps, and circuits for the workout. The specifics for each exercise including TUT (time under tension) are also included. Let me know if you would like me to clarify or expand on any part of the summary.

Here is a summary of the workout:

Week 1:

Session 1:

Circuit 1 (x4): Air Squats (20-25 reps), Pike Push-ups (12-15 reps), Plank (35-45 secs), Glute Bridge & Hold (15 reps), Lunges (10-12 reps)

Circuit 2 (x3): Push-ups (15-20 reps), Reverse Lunges (12-15 reps), Calf Raises & Hold (15 reps), Shoulder Rotations (60 secs), Side Plank (30 secs), Air Squats (15-20 reps)

Circuit 3 (x3): Pike Push-ups (12-15 reps), Shoulder Rotation (45 secs), Diamond Push-ups (12-15 reps), Jump Squats (8 reps)

Session 2:

Circuit 1 (x4): Reverse Lunges (15 reps), Leg Raises (10-12 reps), Wide Grip Table Row (8-10 reps), Towel Bicep Curl (15 reps), Single Leg Glute (10 reps)

Circuit 2 (x4): Close Grip Table Row (8-10 reps), Plank (30 secs), Wide Push-ups (12-15 reps), Superman (8 reps), Towel Twist (15 reps)

Circuit 3 (x3): Jump Squats (5 reps), Pike Push-ups (10-12 reps), Towel Bicep Curl (15 reps), Superman (8 reps)

Session 3:

Circuit 1 (x4): Air Squats (10 reps), Push-ups (15-20 reps), Plank (30 secs), Diamond Push-ups (10-12 reps), Towel Bicep Curl (8-10 reps)

Circuit 2 (x3): Reverse Lunges (10 reps), Incline Push-ups (10-12 reps), Tricep Wall Press (10-15 reps), Leg Raises (10 reps)

Circuit 3 (x3): Wide Push-ups (8-10 reps), Superman (8 reps)

Session 4:

Circuit 1 (x3): High Knees (25 reps), Mountain Climbers (35 reps), Leg Raises (10-15 reps), Crunches (25 reps), Plank (60 secs), Skipping (90 secs)

Circuit 2: Burpees (Until failure)

Week 2:

[Summary of Week 2 workout]

Week 3:

[Summary of Week 3 workout]

Week 4:

[Summary of Week 4 workout]

Here is a summary of the workout plan:

Session 1 Circuit 1: Repeat 3 times

  • Air Squats: Time under tension 5 seconds down, 5 seconds up, 6 reps
  • Pike Push-ups: Time under tension 5 seconds down, 5 seconds up, 6 reps
  • Reverse Lunges: Time under tension 5 seconds down, 5 seconds up, 6 reps
  • Single Leg Glute Raises: Time under tension 5 seconds down, 5 seconds up, 6 reps
  • Plank: 70 seconds

Circuit 2: Repeat 3 times

  • Jumping Lunges: 15 reps
  • Hindu Push-ups: 15 reps
  • Calf Raises and Hold: 15 reps
  • Shoulder Rotations: 60 seconds
  • Side Plank: 45 seconds
  • Reverse Lunges: 15 reps

Circuit 3: Repeat 3 times

  • Diamond Push-ups: 15 reps
  • Ab Hold: 12 reps
  • Jump Squats: 10 reps

Session 2 Circuit 1: Repeat 4 times

  • Wide Grip Table Row: Time under tension 5 seconds up, 5 seconds down, 6 reps
  • Reverse Lunges: 12-15 reps
  • Leg Raises and Hold: 10 reps
  • Towel Bicep Curls: Time under tension 4 seconds up, 4 seconds down, 6 reps
  • Single Leg Glute Raises: 12 reps

Circuit 2: Repeat 3 times

  • Close Grip Table Row: Time under tension 4 seconds up, 4 seconds down, 6 reps
  • Side Plank: 45 seconds
  • Wide Push-ups: 20-25 reps
  • Back Extension: 8 reps
  • Towel Twist: 15 reps
  • Shoulder Rotations: 60 seconds

Circuit 3: Repeat 2 times

  • Hindu Push-ups: 20 reps
  • Towel Bicep Curls: 15 reps
  • Air Squats: 12 reps

Session 3 Circuit 1: Repeat 4 times

  • Push-ups: Time under tension 5 seconds down, 5 seconds up, 6 reps
  • Plank: 45 seconds
  • Jump Squats: 10 reps
  • Diamond Push-ups: Time under tension 5 seconds down, 5 seconds up, 6 reps
  • Reverse Lunges: 10 reps

Circuit 2: Repeat 3 times

  • Lunges: 10 reps
  • Pike Push-ups: Time under tension 5 seconds down, 5 seconds up, 6 reps
  • Diamond Push-ups: 8 reps
  • Leg Raises: 12 reps
  • Side Plank: 45 seconds

Circuit 3: Repeat 3 times

  • Incline Push-ups: 15-20 reps
  • Superman: 8 reps
  • Glute Bridge and Hold: 12 reps

Session 4 Circuit 1: Repeat 3 times (no rest between exercises)

  • Mountain Climbers: 30 reps
  • Leg Raises: 15 reps
  • Mountain Climbers: 30 reps
  • Crunches: 12 reps
  • Mountain Climbers: 30 reps
  • Side Jack Knife: 10 reps

Circuit 2: Repeat 2 times

  • Burpees: Until failure

Complete 3-4 circuits of the exercises listed for each session. Rest 45 seconds between circuits and exercises.

Session 1:

Circuit 1 (4 times): Air squats, side to side push-ups, mountain climbers, reverse lunges Circuit 2 (4 times): Burpees, jumping lunges, Hindu pushups, plank Circuit 3 (2 times): Pike pushups, air squats, mountain climbers, single leg glute raises, crunches

Session 2:

Circuit 1 (4 times): Wide grip rows, leg raises, bicep curls, air squats, pike pushups, ab hold Circuit 2 (3 times): Close grip rows, star jumps, pushups with twists, triceps wall press
Circuit 3 (2 times): Reverse lunges, bicep curls, crunches, towel twists

Session 3:

Circuit 1 (4 times): Pushups, plank, triceps wall press, toe touchers, single leg glute raises Circuit 2 (3 times): Pike pushups, extended crunches, side to side pushups, mountain climbers, diamond pushups Circuit 3 (2 times): Reverse lunges, star jumps, ab hold, side to side pushups, plank

Session 4:

Circuit 1 (2 times): Star jumps, skipping, mountain climbers Circuit 2 (1 time): Burpees
Circuit 3 (1 time): Plank, extended crunches, toe touchers Circuit 4 (1 time): Side plank, jackknife, ab hold, extended crunches

Free bonus available with additional workouts and nutrition advice.

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About Matheus Puppe