Self Help

Your Time to Thrive - Arianna Huffington

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Matheus Puppe

· 31 min read



  • Arianna Huffington discusses the stress and burnout epidemic people are facing today, and how people want to change the unhealthy way they are living and working.

  • In response, she launched Thrive Global to help people improve their well-being and performance and live up to their full potential, not through major overhauls but small, sustainable steps.

  • Thrive Global’s approach is based on “Microsteps” - small, science-based actions people can start taking immediately to build healthy habits and create significant positive changes in their lives.

  • The science shows that making small changes in trajectory can over time lead to very different destinations. Making the steps small lowers the barrier to starting.

  • Thrive has created Microsteps to address challenges in many areas of life including mental health, relationships, finance, and more.

  • This book provides an guide to incorporating Microsteps across all facets of life, combining science, wisdom, and real stories of behavior change.

  • The key is addressing pain points with small daily changes to transform what’s not working. By making Microsteps tiny and easy, we can steadily build willpower and healthy habits.

Here are a few key points summarizing the introduction:

  • The book promotes making small, incremental changes (called “Microsteps”) rather than dramatic life overhauls, which can feel unrealistic and daunting.

  • The Microsteps approach is based on science showing that tiny, manageable actions help build habits over time, leading to meaningful life improvements.

  • The book aims to help readers move from just surviving to thriving, especially during overwhelming times like the COVID-19 pandemic.

  • The book is structured around small, adaptable actions rather than feeling like an imposing system. Microsteps are designed to be “too small to fail.”

  • Readers may initially think the Microsteps don’t seem like a big deal. But that’s the point - small steps add up to big changes.

  • The book meets readers where they are, providing support and inspiration from science and people’s stories to help create sustainable change.

In summary, the book makes the case for incremental change through Microsteps as an approach that is manageable and sets people up for success, especially during difficult times when big life overhauls feel out of reach. The emphasis is on progress over perfection.

Here are a few key points on ending our collective delusion around sleep:

  • Throughout history, sleep was respected and revered, but our modern culture has come to devalue it. Sleep is now often seen as an obstacle to work and success.

  • We frequently associate lack of sleep with ambition, commitment, and productivity. Bragging about little sleep and pulling all-nighters is still often celebrated.

  • There is a persistent delusion that we must choose between sleep and success - that sleep is simply time lost to other pursuits.

  • In reality, lack of sleep has devastating effects on our health, well-being, performance, focus, decision-making, and more.

  • Sleep is not time wasted but rather an investment in ourselves. It is essential for learning, memory, creativity, emotional regulation, and happiness.

  • We need a cultural shift in how we view sleep - to recognize its fundamental importance for both well-being and performance. Prioritizing sleep must become integral to our definition of success.

  • Making small changes through Microsteps can help us get the sleep we need without having to overhaul our lives. Better sleep has an outsized impact, making other positive changes easier.

  • When we stop seeing sleep as the enemy of success and instead embrace it as a keystone habit, we become our best, most productive selves - truly able to thrive.

  • Less than 1% of the population are true “short sleepers” who can function on minimal sleep. Most people need 7-8 hours of sleep per night.

  • Sleep is essential for brain health and function. It clears out toxic proteins in the brain and facilitates memory, learning, mood, productivity, etc.

  • Being sleep deprived impairs cognitive function similar to being intoxicated. Just a few extra hours of lost sleep can make us irritable and strain social interactions.

  • Creating an optimal sleep environment includes removing phones/TVs from the bedroom, keeping the temperature around 65 degrees, and developing relaxing pre-bedtime rituals.

  • We can set ourselves up for better sleep by reducing stress and getting exercise throughout the day. Small pockets of restorative activities help lower our “physiological tension.”

  • Establishing consistent sleep and wake times, even on weekends, helps regulate the body’s circadian rhythms for better sleep.

  • High-quality sleep is essential for peak performance, health, and well-being. Prioritizing sleep allows us to be our best selves.

  • Sleep is critically important for both physical and mental health. Lack of sleep impairs us more than lack of food or exercise.

  • We no longer need to ask what the purpose of sleep is - research clearly shows sleep benefits nearly every biological function.

  • Even short naps can provide cognitive benefits like better idea generation, problem solving, pattern recognition, and memory.

  • Many successful leaders and athletes prioritize sleep and view it as key to optimal performance.

  • Making sleep a priority can lead to measurable improvements in work and life.

  • Establishing a relaxing pre-bed routine of 30 minutes can help ease the transition to sleep.

  • Reducing exposure to screens and digital devices before bed improves sleep quality.

  • Caffeine should be avoided in the late afternoon and evening as it can disrupt sleep.

  • Creating an environment optimized for sleeping, like a quiet, dark room, leads to better sleep.

The main point is that sleep has an immense impact on our overall well-being and performance, so making it a priority can pay huge dividends in how we feel and function. Small improvements to our sleep habits can make a big difference.

Here are the key points from the passage:

  • Technology gives us convenience and connection, but can also sap our time and attention. Being constantly plugged in impacts our sleep, mental health, focus, and connections with others.

  • Michelle Phan, a top YouTube star, took a two-year hiatus due to burnout from constantly creating content. Her story shows how hard it can be to unplug when your livelihood depends on being online.

  • Experiments show how dependent many have become on devices - 67% of men chose to get an electric shock rather than be alone without any devices or distractions.

  • Workdays never seem to end thanks to constant connectivity. Even sick days and vacations are often spent working remotely.

  • We know we should unplug and recharge, but there’s a big gap between knowledge and action. Only 37% of executives fully disconnect on vacation.

  • To be more present, we need to set boundaries with technology, like no phones during family time. Microsteps can help us take small steps to unplug and recharge.

Here is a summary of the key points from the passage:

  • Technology creep has negatively impacted our ability to recharge and renew ourselves. We are hyperconnected and constantly stimulated by our devices.

  • This constant stimulation strains our relationships, mental health, and sleep. Studies show the mere presence of phones harms in-person interactions.

  • We are attuned to recharging our phones but not ourselves. Burnout is prevalent as we push through warning signs of exhaustion.

  • Taking short vacations is not enough to address burnout. We need daily practices of intentional recovery and “fallow time” integrated into work.

  • At Thrive Global, they implement a practice called Thrive Time - taking time off to recover after intense work periods. This prevents burnout rather than trying to recover from it.

  • “Digital detoxes” can be ineffective if we go back to old habits. Sustainable change requires learning to live plugged in more mindfully, not rejecting technology completely.

Here’s a summary of the key points about technology and well-being from the chapter:

  • The modern technological world can make us feel constantly distracted, frazzled, and unfulfilled due to an unhealthy over-reliance on our devices. However, completely disconnecting is unrealistic for most people.

  • Instead of going to extremes, we can take small steps to set healthy boundaries with technology to improve our well-being. Things like turning off notifications, scheduling tech-free time, and putting away phones during meals and social time.

  • Understanding the psychological triggers that make us compulsively check devices can help us change behaviors. Triggers may include anxiety, boredom, frustration, loneliness.

  • Setting intentional downtime without devices, even in small ways daily, can greatly improve our ability to focus, think clearly, meaningfully connect with others, and recharge.

  • With more awareness of the downsides of technology overuse, experts predict a cultural shift away from constant connectivity being seen as good. We can individually take microsteps now to take charge of technology instead of letting it control us.

  • Our food choices are connected to our beliefs, not random. If we believe recharging is unproductive, we won’t value healthy meals.

  • Burnout culture makes us feel healthy eating must be sacrificed for success. Entrepreneurs even boast about unhealthy diets fueling their startups.

  • Poor eating negatively impacts mental and physical health, concentration, productivity, and decision-making. Healthy eating benefits all aspects of life.

  • Unhealthy eating can instantly worsen mood, energy, and performance. Studies show it increases productivity loss.

  • We use caffeine to power through burnout, instead of actually recharging. This perpetuates the cycle.

  • Eating should be a joy trigger and social experience, not just fuel. It affects our outlook, resilience, and connections.

  • Small steps like adding veggies, cutting back unhealthy snacks, and mindful eating can improve health and fuel success. Healthy eating is an act of self-care, not a burden.

  • Caffeine has a long half-life, so consuming it too late in the day can disrupt sleep. It takes about 24 hours for caffeine from a cup of coffee to leave your system.

  • Poor sleep due to late caffeine consumption creates a vicious cycle of being tired during the day and wired at night.

  • What we eat impacts not just our physical health but our mental health. Poor nutrition has been linked to depression, anxiety, and other disorders.

  • Making small improvements to diet, like increasing fruits and vegetables, can boost mood and life satisfaction.

  • Staying properly hydrated improves concentration, reasoning, and productivity. Even mild dehydration can reduce brain power.

  • Slow down and be more thoughtful about your relationship with food. Consider where it came from and if it nourishes you.

  • View mealtimes as opportunities to be present and connect with yourself and others, not obstacles.

  • Microsteps can help build healthy eating habits that fuel peak performance in all areas of life. Small changes can have a big impact.

Here are a few key ideas about how to expand our thinking around movement and exercise:

  • Exercise doesn’t have to mean going to the gym. Small bursts of activity throughout the day, like taking the stairs or walking during a work break, can provide real benefits.

  • Reframing the definition of exercise as simply “moving more” makes it feel more accessible and sustainable as a habit.

  • Being active has wide-ranging benefits beyond just physical fitness - it can boost mood, focus, creativity, immunity and more.

  • Building regular movement into our existing routines, like commuting or working, is an effective way to be more active without overhauling our lifestyle.

  • Having an open, creative mindset allows us to spot opportunities for being more active that we may not have considered before.

  • Moving more and being active is critical for our overall well-being and thriving. Finding ways to incorporate more movement each day should be a priority.

  • The key is focusing less on structured “exercise” and more on integrating physical activity into our daily lives through small, sustainable changes. Reframing our mindset is an important first step.

  • Physical activity improves our health, even in small amounts. Parking at the edge of a parking lot and taking a short walk counts.

  • We often feel too busy to exercise, but research shows we have around 5 spare hours per day on average. We can use small chunks of this time for short bursts of exercise.

  • Scheduling exercise like any other appointment can help make sure we do it. The duration doesn’t have to be long - even a few minutes provides benefits.

  • Our mindset affects our motivation to exercise. Focusing on intrinsic motivations (like enjoyment) over extrinsic ones (like appearance) can help.

  • Exercise benefits us mentally and physically in many ways beyond weight loss or appearance. Appreciating these can boost motivation.

  • Making exercise social by involving others can also help make it a habit. Group activities are especially good for mental health.

  • Incorporating more movement throughout our day in small ways can add up to a big impact. Things like parking farther away, taking the stairs, or doing stretches at our desk help.

  • Technology has made our lives more convenient but also more sedentary. We spend long periods sitting at computers or looking at phones, leading to health issues like text neck and carpal tunnel syndrome.

  • Studies show sitting for long periods is linked to higher mortality. Even just light movement throughout the day can offset the harmful effects of excessive sitting. Taking short stretch or walking breaks boosts energy, mood, and performance.

  • Incorporating exercise into the workday, even informally, has benefits. Some companies encourage fitness by allowing workout breaks, providing equipment like treadmills, or promoting activities like walking meetings.

  • Walking is one of the most beneficial forms of exercise and has wide-ranging health benefits. Getting just 4,000 steps per day can increase longevity. The benefits max out at around 7,500 steps.

  • Making exercise a habit is key. Scheduling it on your calendar, habit stacking, and starting with micro steps can help. The goal is to make movement a consistent, automatic part of your routine.

Here are a few key points on focus and prioritization from the chapter:

  • Multitasking is a myth - research shows it actually reduces productivity by up to 40%. When we try to focus on multiple things at once, our brain struggles to fully focus on any one task.

  • Every time we switch between tasks, there is a cognitive cost as our brain has to reorient. This drain of mental energy reduces the quality of our work.

  • We can boost focus by minimizing distractions and interruptions. Even small amounts of friction, like keeping your phone in another room, can reduce habitual checking.

  • Prioritizing effectively is key. Make a list of tasks and quickly knock out anything that takes less than 5 minutes. Then prioritize the remaining items and tackle them systematically.

  • Scheduling focused work blocks in your calendar can create dedicated time free of interruptions. Color-coding your calendar to distinguish key priorities can help too.

  • Ancient wisdom, like that from the Stoics, advises living in the moment rather than getting distracted. Their practices help train attention and focus.

  • Overall, harnessing the power of focus allows us to work and live more meaningfully, productively, and rewardingly.

Here’s a summary of the key points:

  • The constant stream of interruptions and distractions in modern life makes it challenging to focus our attention. However, we can take back control of our time through small steps.

  • People have long understood the value of focused attention, like the Stoics who emphasized focusing on what we can control.

  • Multitasking and constant use of our devices has been shown to actually shrink the brain’s information processing capabilities.

  • We often feel days go by without accomplishing much of significance. Prioritizing and focusing on what’s meaningful is key, as Shira Miller realized when she slowed down after her mother’s heart attack.

  • How we start the day sets the tone. Having an intentional morning routine of self-care and setting priorities is recommended by leaders like Richard Branson and Oprah.

  • Writing down your most important tasks for the day can reduce stress and improve productivity.

  • It takes 25 minutes to fully regain focus after an interruption. Small steps like doing a 2-minute task can help build focus. Our attention is a superpower we can cultivate.

  • Focusing on one task at a time and giving it your full attention leads to better results and a sense of accomplishment. Multitasking often means doing multiple things poorly.

  • Protect your attention like an investment portfolio - schedule blank space for focused thinking. Say no to things that don’t align with your priorities.

  • Reduce phone/tech notifications to take back control of your attention from machines. Apps are designed to perpetually grab your attention.

  • Email can be a huge time sink - set boundaries around when and how often you check it. Don’t let others’ priorities dictate how you spend your time.

  • Give yourself permission to drop unfinished projects and commitments that are draining your energy but not meaningful to you. This frees up time for what really matters.

  • Create a focused work environment. Find a space where you feel empowered and motivated.

  • Being fully engaged in the present moment is the key to joy and quality work. Treat tasks as play, not work.

The main idea is that protecting and focusing your attention leads to greater productivity, less stress, and more meaning. Set boundaries around distractions and be intentional about what you give your attention to.

Here are a few key points on how communication and relationships impact our ability to thrive:

  • Human beings have an innate need to connect with others. Relationships provide meaning, belonging, support, and more. An 80-year Harvard study found close relationships are key to happiness, health, and longevity.

  • Face-to-face interaction is important for building empathy and connection. Nonverbal cues like eye contact, tone of voice, and body language communicate as much as words.

  • Active listening without distractions or judgment helps build deeper relationships. Being fully present shows you value the other person.

  • Vulnerability and openness create intimacy. Sharing hopes, fears, and imperfections brings people closer together.

  • Positivity resonance - frequent positive interactions and shared meaning - builds strong bonds. Expressing appreciation, celebrating wins, etc. reinforces relationships.

  • Conflict is inevitable but how it’s handled matters. Communicating with empathy, taking responsibility, and seeking win-win resolutions can strengthen bonds.

  • Relationships take continual effort. Checking in, making time together, expressing gratitude, and being supportive help sustain connections.

  • Diversity of relationships provides different benefits. Close family ties, supportive friendships, inspiring mentors, and intimate partners all contribute to thriving.

The key is to consciously build communication skills and nurture our most important relationships through daily Microsteps. Strong connections support our well-being and help us weather life’s challenges.

  • Meaningful relationships are critical for our wellbeing, while loneliness can negatively impact both mental and physical health.

  • We are more technologically connected than ever, yet often disconnected from the people who matter most.

  • Small actions like asking questions, being generous, and having fun together can strengthen our closest relationships.

  • Listening attentively without interruption or judgment builds trust and understanding.

  • Opportunities for human connection exist all around us if we pay attention. Shifting our mindset to focus less on ourselves helps us see and act on these opportunities.

Here are the key points:

  • Practice active listening by fully focusing on the other person, making eye contact, and using affirming body language. Verbally reflect back what they said to show you understand.

  • Take Microsteps like going for a walk without headphones or meditating briefly to get better at being present and listening well.

  • In conflicts, name the emotions you feel rather than attacking the other person. Give feedback once you’ve calmed down, not in heated moments.

  • Make “I” statements rather than “you” statements when bringing up issues. Say how you feel rather than blaming.

  • Apologize fully by taking responsibility, making amends, and expressing care for the relationship. Then commit to not repeating the hurtful behavior.

  • Not all problems can or should be fully resolved. Accept perpetual differences in personality or lifestyle. The goal is to understand and adapt, not necessarily solve.

  • Connect across generations by making an effort to speak to both people much older and younger than yourself. There is wisdom to gain from both.

Here’s a summary of the key points:

  • Weak social ties - casual relationships with acquaintances, baristas, dry cleaners, etc. - have been shown to significantly improve wellbeing and life satisfaction. Daily interactions with weak ties make people happier and foster a sense of community.

  • Workplace relationships are also important for wellbeing. Employees with work friends are more engaged, have higher retention, and report less burnout. Leaders should focus on building trust, empathy and authenticity.

  • Some common workplace phrases can undermine relationships. “Gentle reminder” often feels stressful. “That’s a no-brainer” shuts down alternate views. “As most of you know…” makes some feel left out. Better to be direct, check for understanding, and acknowledge mistakes happen.

  • Feedback is essential for growth. Compassionate directness - delivered with care, empathy and respect - helps relationships flourish. The goal is to help others improve, not point blame.

  • Overall, human connections matter. Investing in relationships, even casual ones, improves wellbeing. The pandemic revealed our interconnectedness. Don’t take relationships for granted.

Here are some key points about creativity and inspiration:

  • Creativity is a skill that can be developed, not just an innate talent. Simple practices like taking time for reflection, unplugging from technology, and exposing ourselves to new experiences can boost creative thinking.

  • Inspiration often arises when we are open and receptive to the world around us. Moments of awe, wonder, appreciation, and connection can spark creative insights.

  • Both solitude and collaboration are important for creativity. Solitude provides space for reflection and inner exploration, while collaboration brings fresh perspectives.

  • Sleep, exercise, and meditation help creativity by reducing stress, quieting the analytical mind, and enhancing cognitive flexibility. They allow more room for imagination and insight.

  • Technology overuse can dampen creativity by overloading our attention and providing constant external stimulation. Unplugging allows the mind to wander, imagine, and make unexpected connections.

  • Creativity involves both divergent thinking (generating many ideas) and convergent thinking (honing in on the best ideas). Balancing both modes is important.

  • Creative blocks often arise from harsh self-criticism and pressure. Letting go of perfectionism and judgments allows creativity to flow more freely.

  • Simple practices like journaling, brainstorming, and limiting distractions can help get us into a creative flow state where ideas emerge effortlessly.

  • Finding inspiration in everyday moments cultivates gratitude, meaning, and a sense of awe. This inspires us to create things that uplift ourselves and others.

  • We all have an innate capacity for creativity and wonder, though it can fade as we grow up and get busy with adulthood. Reconnecting with our creativity is key to living a thriving life.

  • Creativity shouldn’t be seen as a binary - either you have it or you don’t. We can find opportunities for creativity, inspiration, and wonder in our daily lives if we’re intentional about it.

  • Being present and mindful can help spark creativity. Letting our minds wander without distractions can lead to those “a-ha” moments.

  • We need to make time and space for boredom, reflection, and letting our minds wander. Constant busyness and technology use can dampen our creative faculties.

  • Ordinary moments and experiences can provoke wonder and inspiration just as much as extraordinary ones. Appreciating simplicity and everyday beauty is key.

  • Overall, small steps to unplug, find silence, take breaks, and change our mindset about creativity can help unlock our inner creative potential. Whatever our goals and dreams are, tapping into our creativity can help bring them to life.

  • Scheduling time for boredom can help us prioritize it and tap into creativity. Taking a device-free stroll, sitting still, or allowing our minds to wander can spark new ideas.

  • Finding “unicorn space” - precious time for creativity and exploring our passions - is essential for happiness. Start small by scheduling just a few minutes a week.

  • Journaling, reading fiction, crafts, and alone time can all spark creativity by helping us think in new ways.

  • Sleep and dreams play a big role in boosting creativity. Getting good sleep allows our minds to make novel connections. Journaling dreams helps us tap into creative ideas from our subconscious.

  • Small steps like scheduling short creative sessions, journaling dreams, and carving out “unicorn space” can help build habits to prioritize creativity in our lives. The key is taking action - even starting with just a few minutes - to make time for the activities that spark us.

  • Creativity is a highly sought after skill in the workplace. Taking microsteps like changing scenery, going for walks, and ending the workday early can help unlock creativity.

  • Wonder and awe are preconditions for creativity and life. We can cultivate wonder through microsteps like spending time in nature, listening to music, experiencing art, and appreciating loved ones.

  • Taking time for unstructured activities and embracing boredom allows the mind to wander and make new connections.

  • Reading fiction and biographies inspires creativity by exposing us to new perspectives.

  • Being comfortable with incompletions and declaring an end to the workday recharges creativity for the next day.

  • Looking inward, disconnecting from technology, and appreciating beauty and vastness in the world around us can all stimulate creativity through awe and wonder.

Here are a few key points about finding purpose and meaning in life:

  • Gratitude and expressing appreciation can add meaning to everything we do. Practicing gratitude protects us from negative emotions and activates brain regions associated with pleasure and stress relief.

  • Giving our time generously to help others provides a sense of purpose and fulfillment. Helping others makes us feel more time-affluent.

  • Finding purpose involves self-discovery - figuring out what makes us tick, what brings us joy, and connecting to something larger than ourselves.

  • We can tap into purpose through small, daily actions like complimenting a coworker, writing down things we’re grateful for, or donating our time to a cause.

  • Work does not have to be devoid of meaning. We can focus on how our work benefits others, who we connect with, and the impact we have on those around us.

  • Having an attitude of gratitude, accepting where we are now with appreciation, and focusing on the positive can put us in a better position to achieve our goals and dreams.

  • Purpose and meaning come from within, not from external measures like money or status. By taking microsteps, we can shift our perspective to see the purpose all around us.

  • Andrew Rademacher, CEO of a company he founded in 2008, starts each day by thanking each employee for their contributions. He also makes sure to thank his wife.

  • Gratitude provides many benefits, including lowering stress and improving mood, sleep, generosity, and healthy eating. It can also reduce loneliness in the elderly.

  • Being grateful for what we have and reflecting on the good things rather than misfortunes can bring peace of mind.

  • Finding meaning and purpose in our work boosts creativity and performance. This can be done by reframing our role and considering who benefits from our efforts.

  • Connecting our work to a greater purpose beyond ourselves gives it more meaning. Even custodial workers in a hospital see their role as helping patients heal.

  • Leaving a positive legacy and making the world better through our actions gives life purpose. Small acts of kindness done with love matter.

  • Giving back to our community and serving others boosts well-being and connects us to our compassionate nature. It helps gain perspective and reduces self-focus.

  • Public figures like Lenny Kravitz and Michelle Obama use their platforms to promote charitable causes they care about, but giving back is valuable on any scale. Even small acts like getting groceries for a neighbor or spending time with someone lonely can make a big difference.

  • Giving our time and resources to help others reconnects us to the world and our own natural abundance. Studies show volunteering boosts happiness and life satisfaction.

  • Philosophers and religious traditions have long emphasized the importance of compassion and giving to living a meaningful life. Science continues to validate these ideas.

  • To connect to our sense of purpose, we must first connect with ourselves through practices like meditation, prayer, journaling, and quiet reflection. These help calm the mind so we can explore life’s big questions.

  • Meditation boosts focus, memory, creativity, and wellbeing. Mindfulness helps unite mind and heart so we can live more purposefully. Leaders across fields credit meditation for their success.

  • Looking inward takes effort amid life’s stresses, but the wisdom and clarity it provides makes the work worthwhile. Regularly taking time for self-reflection allows us to know ourselves more deeply.

Here is a summary of the key benefits of meditation:

  • Improves focus and concentration
  • Reduces stress and anxiety
  • Promotes emotional health and self-awareness
  • Enhances willpower and self-control
  • Fosters creativity and insight
  • Increases kindness and compassion
  • Physically changes the brain, including increasing gray matter volume and connectivity
  • Boosts the immune system and lowers inflammation
  • Lowers blood pressure and heart rate
  • Helps manage pain, insomnia, and gastrointestinal difficulties
  • Slows biological aging and lengthens telomeres
  • Increases happiness, life satisfaction, and sense of meaning

In essence, meditation provides a wide range of physical, mental, and emotional benefits by reducing stress and promoting mindfulness and self-awareness. Even short meditation sessions can help improve focus, mood, and health. By taking time to meditate, we can tap into inner peace, wisdom, and intuition to live fuller, more purposeful lives.

Here are the references for the Foreword by Arianna Huffington and Chapter 1 on sleep:

Foreword by Arianna Huffington

  1. Neal, D.T., Wood, W., & Quinn, J.M. (2006). Habits—a repeat performance. Current Directions in Psychological Science, 15(4).

  2. Baumeister, R.F., & Tierney, J. (2011). Willpower: Rediscovering the greatest human strength. New York: Penguin.

  3. Clear, J. (2018). Atomic habits: An easy & proven way to build good habits & break bad ones. New York: Avery.

  4. How to Make Healthy Life Changes from Tiny Habits. (2016, August 13). WRVO Public Media.

  5. Fogg, B.J. (2020). Tiny habits: The small changes that change everything. Boston: Houghton Mifflin Harcourt.

  6. Piazza, J.R., Charles, S.T., Sliwinski, M.J., Mogle, J., & Almeida, D.M. (2013). Affective reactivity to daily stressors and long-term risk of reporting a chronic physical health condition. Annals of Behavioral Medicine, 45(1), 110–120.

Chapter 1: Sleep

  1. Duhigg, C. (2012). The habit loop. In The power of habit: Why we do what we do in life and business (pp. 100-101). New York: Random House.

  2. O’Connell, L.B. (2019, August 2). Rise and thrive with Tiffany Cruikshank, the founder of Yoga Medicine. Thrive Global.

  3. Shiv, B. (2019, October 18). The most fascinating thing that happens in your brain while you’re sleeping. Thrive Global.

  4. Hamilton, J. (2013, October 17). Brains sweep themselves clean of toxins during sleep [Radio broadcast]. All Things Considered, NPR.

Let me know if you need any clarification or have additional references to add!

Here is a summary of the key points from the chapter:

  • Unplugging from technology and taking time to recharge is critical for reducing stress and preventing burnout. However, many people struggle to disconnect.

  • Overwork and the pressure to be constantly available via technology have detrimental effects on health and wellbeing. Taking breaks helps improve focus and creativity.

  • Vacations provide an opportunity to recharge, but many people continue working during time off, which diminishes the benefits. Being fully present and unplugging from work during vacations is important.

  • Constant connectivity affects in-person interactions and relationships. Phubbing (snubbing others in favor of phones) damages relationships. Unplugging improves connections.

  • Setting boundaries around technology use can help reduce distraction and tech addiction. Small steps like turning off notifications, avoiding phones during conversations, and taking tech-free breaks make a difference.

  • Recharging looks different for everyone - it may involve time in nature, meditation, exercise, hobbies, socializing or solitary reflection. The key is to disconnect from technology and make time for whatever restores energy.

Here is a summary of the key points from pages 85-98 of the given source:

  • Poor nutrition and dehydration can negatively impact mental health, wellbeing, and performance. But many driven professionals neglect these basics.

  • Eating well provides energy and focus. Diets high in fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and lean proteins are linked to better mental health outcomes. Poor nutrition is tied to conditions like depression and anxiety.

  • Staying properly hydrated boosts concentration, mood, and reasoning. Even mild dehydration impairs cognition. People often wake up dehydrated, so hydrating first thing is key.

  • Caffeine provides temporary alertness but can disrupt sleep if consumed too late in the day due to its long half-life.

  • Planning and preparing healthy meals reduces the temptation to make poor nutrition choices when busy. Packing snacks avoids energy crashes.

  • Slowing down to appreciate and enjoy food is beneficial for mental health. Mealtimes present opportunities to unwind and connect with others.

  • Success stories highlight the positive impacts of improved nutrition. Paying attention to diet and hydration helps high achievers sustain performance and prevent burnout.

Here is a summary of the key points about the benefits of movement:

  • Exercise is scientifically linked to lowered stress levels, improved brain function, decreased Alzheimer’s risk, and better immune function. However, many people worldwide do not get enough physical activity.

  • Incorporating movement into your daily life, such as by walking during your commute, taking short activity breaks, or exercising with friends, can have significant benefits for your physical and mental health. Even small amounts of exercise can boost longevity.

  • Different types of exercise strengthen your heart, lower diabetes risk, and reduce stress. Social support while exercising can further boost motivation.

  • Sitting for extended periods has been linked to negative health outcomes. Taking regular movement breaks, even if just light activity, can counteract the harmful effects of too much sitting.

In summary, making movement a consistent part of your daily routine through exercise, active commuting, activity breaks, and avoiding prolonged sitting can significantly improve your physical and mental well-being.

Here is a summary of the key points from the references:

  • Taking regular breaks from work can improve focus and productivity. Even short breaks to breathe deeply or go for a quick walk help refresh the mind (André, Muller).

  • Incorporating short exercise breaks into the workday has benefits. Hoda Kotb does squats and push-ups during commercial breaks when filming her show. Some companies even incentivize employee exercise breaks (Fairyington, Holmes).

  • Being outdoors and exposed to nature offers cognitive benefits and can lower stress. Research shows those living near greenery have better mental health (Maas et al.).

  • Regular walking provides longevity benefits, even just 4,000 steps per day (Lee et al.). Other research found walking improved brain connectivity in older adults (Voss et al.).

  • Multitasking and task-switching reduces efficiency and productivity. It takes time for the brain to re-orient after context switching, and doing multiple things at once divides attention (Rubenstein et al., Mark et al.).

  • Constant digital distractions and notifications make it hard to focus. They overtax our attention spans. Experts recommend practices like turning off notifications to take back control (Harris, Oppong).

  • Prioritizing and protecting focus time is key. Advice includes identifying your peak productivity hours, minimizing distractions, and being intentional about what you give your attention to (Miller, Mark).

Here is a summary of the key points from the article “Ashton Kutcher’s Simple yet Brilliant Email Strategy”:

  • Ashton Kutcher implemented a simple email strategy to reduce stress and increase productivity. He turned off all email notifications and only checks email twice a day - at 9am and 4pm.

  • This helped him focus on the most important tasks without constant interruptions. It reduced stress by not having a constant influx of emails coming in throughout the day.

  • Checking email at designated times allowed him to batch process and respond to emails efficiently. He could go through all emails at once rather than context switching between tasks.

  • The strategy aligned with his philosophy of being proactive rather than reactive. He took control of his time rather than letting emails dictate his day.

  • Cutting down on email notifications and batch processing emails can help anyone focus, reduce stress, and use time more effectively. Setting specific windows to check email reduces distractions.

In summary, Kutcher’s simple approach of turning off notifications and checking email twice daily in batches boosted his productivity and reduced feelings of being overwhelmed. Checking email on a schedule rather than constantly can help take control of your time.

Here is a summary of the key points from the passages:

  • Creativity and inspiration are essential for thriving. Successful people like Elaine Goldsmith-Thomas, Richard Branson, and Toni Ko emphasize the importance of creativity.

  • Allowing our minds to wander and daydream boosts creativity. Studies show the empty moments when our minds disconnect help spark creative insights.

  • Engaging in creative activities like knitting provides personal and social wellbeing benefits. Other craft hobbies also enhance well-being.

  • Darkness and dim lighting have been shown to promote creativity in studies. Novelists like Jonathan Franzen and Zadie Smith have writing rules that involve unplugging technology.

  • Getting enough sleep allows the brain to restructure connections and aids creativity. The brain forges new connections during sleep through a process Arthur Koestler called “bisociation.”

  • Inspirational figures like Marie Forleo and Paul McCartney emphasize the importance of making time for creative pursuits and spending time with loved ones for inspiration.

In summary, thriving individuals make creativity and inspiration a priority through activities like daydreaming, crafts, unplugging, restful sleep, and meaningful time with others. This boosts innovation, problem-solving, and overall well-being.

Here is a summary of the key points from the article:

  • Paul McCartney gave a candid interview where he opened up about wishing he could have spent more time with his mother Mary, who died when he was 14.

  • McCartney said he still thinks about her every day and regrets not asking her more about her life and marriage to his father. He wishes he could have known her as an adult.

  • McCartney said his best memory of his mother was her comforting him when he got scared at night as a child. He remembers her calming voice vividly.

  • He said the trauma of losing his mother at a young age affected him deeply and inspired his song “Let It Be.” Music became a refuge for him after she died.

  • McCartney also touched on wishing he could have spoken to John Lennon again before he died and said he feels fortunate he reconciled with George Harrison before he passed away.

  • Overall, McCartney expressed wistfulness over not having more time with his mother and lamented lost opportunities to connect with her and know her better as an adult. Her death left a profound mark on him.

Here is a summary of the key points from the passage:

  • Finding meaning and purpose in work is key to happiness and fulfillment. Individuals can craft their jobs to be more meaningful.

  • Helping others through volunteering and acts of service boosts happiness and life satisfaction.

  • Spiritual practices like prayer and meditation have scientifically proven benefits for mental health. They help reduce stress and anxiety.

  • Reflection during life’s transitions helps process change. Journaling about emotional upheavals can improve mental and physical health.

  • Overall, activities that provide meaning, connect us with others, and calm the mind promote wellbeing. Simple habits can cultivate joy and resilience even during difficult times.

Here is a summary of the key points from the article by J.W. Pennebaker and S.K. Beall:

  • The article examines the effects of confronting versus inhibiting traumatic experiences on health outcomes.

  • Inhibiting thoughts and feelings about a traumatic event can lead to long-term health consequences like increased blood pressure, disrupted immune systems, and higher rates of illness.

  • Confronting a trauma through talking or writing about it allows individuals to construct a coherent narrative and integrate the experience, leading to better health.

  • The authors present studies showing individuals who talk about traumatic events have improved immune function compared to those who inhibit their thoughts and emotions.

  • Disclosing traumatic experiences can influence physical and mental health by alleviating the stress of inhibition. The article provides evidence that confronting traumas through disclosure improves health.

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About Matheus Puppe